the liminal space catalogue

compiled by explorer #3. please refer to the records for more information.

this catalogue is a collection of liminal spaces for the purpose of keeping a record of them before they are destroyed. each log will contain a record of the location, the level, the description, and a record of what the compiler or a colleague of the compiler encountered during their journey. the catalogue will be updated periodically as more liminal spaces are discovered. each photo has been taken personally by the compiler or a colleague of the compiler unless otherwise stated. each liminal space will be tagged with an identification number and a unique name assigned by the compiler or one of the compiler's colleagues.
some photos may be upsetting. please use discretion during your assessment of this catalogue.

entry #0001

"no sign of civilization on a long road"
recorded 17/9/2024

liminal space entry #0001

location: entry #0001 is described by the records to be located on a road along the coast of the pacific ocean.

level: entry #0001 is described by the records to be a level 1 liminal space. it lasted for 33 minutes post-recording without being disturbed.

description: entry #0001 is described as a long stretch of road next to a road next to a large drop. unknown plants resembling grasses and shrubs were found to grow on the side of the road. when analysed more closely, they could not be identified. if one went up to the cliff, one would note that there is a small, shoddy fence preventing one from falling instantly into the void. if one looked off the cliff, one would be able to see that the bottom cannot be viewed. please note the lack of sentient life along the road.

journey logs: "there was nobody along this stretch of road. i noted the liminal qualities and took a photo from inside the vehicle, just for fun. we were on our way to record abnormal activity at a location 40 miles away, and this road led directly to it, so we decided to stop here for a moment so we could take note of the area. just in case it had anything to do with the abnormal activity later on. i pitched the idea of this catalogue to them there, and everyone seemed to like it. but then one of our colleagues almost fell off the edge, and we had to bring them back to the vehicle and comfort them. the idea got delayed for a few hours, but after we recorded the abnormal activity, i reviewed all the logs we had taken at the area and compiled this information. i think i'm going to keep on doing this. make a record of all of these places, y'know? liminal spaces are transitional by nature and won't last forever. very few things do, in fact. but liminal spaces are not especially long-lasting, as places go. so i'll keep on with this catalogue for as long as possible. hopefully there won't be anything to stop me from doing this. let the record show that entry #0001 is complete."
[logged by explorer #3 on 17/9/2024.]

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if you would like to contact the compiler, you will have to wait for a period of time. contact information will be up soon, unless an unforeseeable event occurs.